Who can do this?
Signal: Contact Tracking
Signal: New Hires & Promotions

Version 2.37 

Release Date: August 13, 2023


In this version release, UserGems added some new apex scripts that just make some simple field updates in the background to help drive reporting around ROI and adoption. 

Components Released:

Apex Class: UserGemsResetActivities

  • One time reset of Number Of Activities counts on the UserGems object. This function will only be called once and fixes a previous bug.

Apex Class: UserGemsResetHadActivity

  • One time reset of HadActivity on the UserGems object. This function will only be called once and fixes a previous bug.

Apex Class: UserGemsSetActivities

  • This script runs daily to set the Number Of Activities (via Task/Event entries) on the UserGems record. The UserGems Dashboard shows charts to indicate job changes grouped by number of activities.

Apex Class: UserGemsSetHadActivity

  • For any new UserGems record, this script sets whether the Lead or Contact (if already existed) had an activity prior to adding the UserGems record. If a record existed already but didn't have activity, attribution for an opportunity will be associated with UserGems.

Apex Class: UserGemsSetUGsOnAccount

  • This script runs daily to evaluate how many job changers have landed at your various accounts and stamps this count into a custom account field.