Who can do this?
Signal: Contact Tracking
Signal: New Hires & Promotions

Since Groove sits on top of Salesforce, there are no syncing settings or field mappings to worry about. All records updated within Groove/Salesforce are also updated in the other tool simultaneously. 

(1) First, let’s build our flow(s) that we will enroll UserGems leads/contacts into

Important consideration: It is a Groove best practice to have different Flows/input reports for Leads and Contacts

Resource: UserGems Recommended Playbooks

(2) There are 6 ways to add a lead or contact to a flow

  • Manual:
    • Button on contact (via Groove plugin)
    • List views (via Groove plugin)
    • CSV upload (within Groove)
  • Automated:
    • Report Import (recommended if you don’t have LeanData)
    • Saved Search (utilizes “saved” searches that you have conducted within Groove - based on filters)
    • LeanData

(3) Here, we will focus on the 'Report Import' option

  • Once you have your flow created, simply navigate to it and find the “Automated Actions” tab
    • Select Import via: “Salesforce Report:
    • Locate the folder/report that you would like to use for sending contacts to this Flow
  • Now, every 3 hours, any new entries to the report will automatically be added to this flow!

Additional Considerations

  • Configure your reports/flows so that any given prospect only enrolls in one UG flow at a time
    • Can utilize "Import Rules" along with field updates/actions to prevent this
  • Be mindful of who will be the "sender" for a given flow. Adding user lookup or owner fields to the source report will allow you to dynamically set the "sender" based on who the prospect is.