Automating the detection of Signals is only part of Signal based selling. The next piece is ensuring the responsible parties are made aware of the Gems under their purview, and then have clear guidance for next steps and action.
Below are two different categories: weekly digest emails and custom notifications. These are generated by UserGems, and many customers will also or instead enable notifications via existing methods (i.e., LeanData routing process, List View incorporation, etc...).
Weekly Digest Emails
These are configured and enabled in the 'Settings' page in the UserGems dashboard and sent every Monday.
Pipeline and Revenue Summary Email
Who: Anyone with a 'Key UserGems Role' provided to your CSM
What: Shows all ROI performance of UserGems opportunities
How: Please request your CSM to enroll desired team members
Frequency: Weekly on Mondays
The bullets for each metric will be hidden if the value is 0.
There will be a link to view the UserGems attribution dashboard. If you are not an Admin yet, you will be prompted to sign in with Salesforce to create an account.
These emails show attribution in the following 3 ways:
- Sourced: A UserGems was created, contacted, and added to an opportunity as a first opportunity contact.
- Assisted: A UserGems was created, contacted, and added to an open opportunity which already had opp contact(s) associated.
- Suspected: A UserGems has activity, but is not added to the Opp. These should be reviewed with your CSM.
Opportunities moved to Closed Won:
A list of each opportunity that moved to closed won in the last 7 days for the respective attribution definition. The sub-section for the definition will be hidden if there are 0 opportunities.
Opportunities with updates:
A list of each open opportunity that was updated to the latest stage they were updated in the last 7 days for the respective attribution definition. The sub-section for the definition will be hidden if there are 0 opportunities.
Individual Contributor (IC) Emails
Who: All DRIs in UserGems (configured in UserGems Settings page)
What: Shows all uncontacted UserGems owned by the DRI.
Frequency: Weekly on Mondays
Customization available: only send job changes that occurred in the last 6 months

Team Manager Emails
Who: All Managers of owners of UserGems defined in Salesforce
What: Shows all uncontacted UserGems owned by the DRI.
Frequency: Weekly on Mondays. While the email will be sent weekly, the metrics shown will be from the last 30 days to ensure meaningful metrics can be sent each week
Exclusions: If all metrics are 0 for one of the DRI’s that report to the Manager, that DRI’s section will be hidden from the email. If all DRI’s are hidden / have 0 metrics, we will not send the email.

Custom Notifications
Email Notifications
What: these are notifications that can be configured within the Job Changes tab in the dashboard. They will be individually sent to the DRI owner if they meet the criteria defined within the filter.
Customization: only want to send these for specific type of job changes (e.g., just for job changers joining ICP accounts, for all past Closed Won Opp Contacts, etc...)? The filters for configuring what is highlighted for these are configurable with your CSM
Please reach out to your CSM to configure
Slack Notifications
What: Slack notifications can be sent to the DRI or to a Slack group. When configuring Slack notifications for a customer you'll have the option to select which is preferred.
Where: If under any circumstances we cannot find the DRI or the recipient, it goes to the default channel that's configured in the notification settings.
Customization: Do you have a specific SLA or recommended messaging? That could also be included in the message to reinforce the behavior expected.
Please reach out to your CSM to configure