Who can do this?
For every job change that we deliver to your Salesforce, we will generate a new record on our UserGems object. This record very simply represents the actual job change event and…
- Houses all data that UserGems provides about the job change, whether you choose to utilize your leads/contacts or not.
- Acts as a junction between related records (i.e. past contact, past account, new account, new lead/contact, etc)
- Controls what information is seen on the Dynamic Lightning Components (job change context on your page layout) viewed from Leads and/or Contacts
Use Cases for Formula Fields:
Pulling in data to the UG record from EITHER the Past/Current Lead or Past/Current Contact.
- Example Situation: you have a report of all job changes and want to show a Lifecycle Stage whether the job changer exists as a Lead or a Contact

Adding additional context about the job change to the dynamic lightning components
- Example Situation: You want to pull a custom “NPS Score” from the Past Contact record and display it on the lightning component so a sales rep can see this great context from the new lead/contact

Get creative!
- As a Salesforce admin, you can create powerful formula fields for a ton of different use cases. Feel free to ping your CSM if you need help!