Who can do this?
Signal: Contact Tracking
Signal: New Hires & Promotions

Contact Layout:

For contacts, we recommend customizing the Left Sidebar of your layout to add dynamic property sections. 

Left Sidebar: Add dynamic property sections. 

Once you open the editor, simply add two new Sections: 

  • (1) Section Name: “Contact No Longer at Company”some text
    • Check the box for “Make this section conditional”
    • Only visible if UG - No Longer at Company = “Yes”
    • Recommended properties:some text
      • UG - No Longer at Company
      • UG - Job Ended Date
  • (2) Section Name: “UserGems - Job Change and Past Relationship Info”some text
    • Check the box for “Make this section conditional”
    • Only visible if UG - Is a Past User = “Yes”
    • Recommended properties:some text
      • UG - Past Company
      • UG - Past Title
      • UG - Past Relationship Type
      • UG - Job Started Date
      • UG - Is Persona Match
      • UG - Works at Target Account
      • UG - Works at ICP Account
      • UG - Link to Past Contact
      • UG - Link to Past Company

Company Layout

For companies, we recommend customizing the Middle Column of your layout to add a custom contact list to show contacts that you have had a past relationship with. Once in the editor, simply create a new card of type Association Table:

  • Card title: “UserGems Contacts w/ Past Relationship”
  • Recommended properties:some text
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Job Title
    • UG - Past Company
    • UG - Past Title
    • UG - Job Started Date
    • UG - Past Relationship Type
  • Filter: some text
    • UG - Is a Past User = “Yes”

Get creative! You can use these same concepts to drive really great customization for your layouts for UserGems, as well as generally.