Who can do this?
Meeting Assistant

UserGems Meeting Assistant can Automatically:

  • Identify contacts in your sales reps’ calendar invites that are not in Salesforce, add them, and relate them to the right Account and Opportunity if there was an Open Opportunity when the meeting occurred. This can be done both retroactively on a calendar-by-calendar basis as well as automatically going forward.
  • Track those contacts for job changes if they meet your Key Champion/Influencer tracking criteria.
  • Update calendar events with information directly from LinkedIn for the people/company you are meeting with, helping your reps to more efficiently prepare for their meetings. 

Meeting Assistant is best for teams that want to save time preparing for meetings and hate manually adding contacts' info into Salesforce. Meeting Assistant is not another tool for your team to learn; but rather runs in the background and does the admin work for your team, giving them time back for actual selling.

Calendar providers we integrate with:

  • Google Calendar
  • Microsoft Outlook Calendar

See a live signup in action!

Meeting Assistant Settings

After your calendar and Salesforce are connected to UserGems, you can configure the Meeting Assistant settings for your Users:

Morning Update - first, we will set preferences for your team’s morning update:

Enrich your calendar events - meeting prep is a breeze when reps’ calendar events are enriched with LinkedIn data; attendees can easily see more about who they are meeting with. 

Add contacts to Salesforce - configure field mappings and record creation settings for new Contacts you meet with that we add to your Salesforce. Here, we can consider things like:

  • Should all of your team members that signed up for Meeting Assistant have their attendees added automatically to Salesforce or should it be up to the rep?
  • Should we create Leads or Contacts if they are missing? Which fields should we populate?
  • Should we add new leads/contacts to a Salesforce Campaign?
  • Who should we assign the newly created Leads or Contacts to?