When we recognize a job change from one of your contact lists, we will create a new record for them at their new company. We have 4 customizable options for this.
We will only create records after scanning your database and assuring we will not be creating a duplicate record. If you already have this lead/contact in your Salesforce at their new company, we will just enrich that record instead of creating a new one, and we will not charge you a job change credit.

(1) I'll use UserGems flow template:
While the vast majority of UserGems customers select one of the UI-based options above, UserGems can also support placing our routing logic within a Salesforce Flow. On a separate ~1hr call, we would walk you through the initial Flow configuration which can support more complex scenarios and business rules around when and how certain records are created and assigned.
(2) Always create a lead:
After identifying a job change, UserGems can always create a Lead with fresh data and context on the person’s job change. We would then leave it to your team or automation to decide whether to convert the Lead into a Contact and relate it to an Account. This option is also common for LeanData / RingLead customers or those who already have advanced routing & conversion rules in place that they would like UserGems to sit on top of.
- If you have a custom Account Lookup field on the Lead object, UserGems is also able to write into that field optionally with the existing Account that UserGems matched to.
(3) Always create contacts and accounts:
This option relies on UserGems to match a new job change Contact that we deliver to an existing Account if we detect one in your Salesforce based on things like domain matching and fuzzy-logic company name matching.This option is common for customers without advanced routing tools in place who do not want to use Leads for job change Contacts. If no existing Account is matched, UserGems would create a new Account in your Salesforce and assign it to a default user that you can configure within UserGems.
(4) Create contact if account exists, otherwise create lead:
This hybrid option is common for customers without advanced routing & conversion rules in place who would like to rely on UserGems to match a new job change Contact to an existing Account if one is detected in your Salesforce based on UserGems' matching rules. If no existing Account is matched, instead of creating a new Account, UserGems would instead create a new Lead for your team or automation to review/qualify and convert.
UserGems Account matching logic
If you are using #3 or #4 above, you will be relying on UserGems for Account matching. Here is the logic that UserGems uses for that matching: