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Signal: Contact Tracking

Scorecard: New Account Relevance

What is it?

The new account relevance grade is based the percent of job change leads sent that land at a listed target account or an account that matches your ICP definition in UserGems, but is not already a customer or an active prospect with an open opp.

What it's important

Importance: High 🟠

It's highly important this grade is monitored because it's a reflection or your job change TAM for new business. That said, it's possible this grade may be lower than target for a few reasons including 1. Your TAM outside of job changes is simply strict. 2. Your ICP definition in UserGems is inaccurate. 3. You haven't provided all of your known target/ICP accounts.

How it's scored

How to improve it

It's possible that this grade won't improve if you have a very strict TAM which may be ok depending on how your business operates. However, you should investigate these ways to potentially expand/improve it.

  1. Make sure you've provided/uploaded all of your target and ICP accounts. If you haven't, or the list provided is too strict, the percent UserGems recognizes as landing at known target/ICP accounts will be slim, and your team may be missing prioritizing reaching out to these changes.
  2. Review your ICP definition in UserGems. Your ICP definition is how UserGems recognizes when a job change lands at an account you care about that maybe didn't exist in your CRM. If this definition is too narrow (less than 40% coverage) the percent UserGems recognizes as landing at unknown ICP accounts will be slim, and your team may be missing prioritizing reaching out to these changes.