Who can do this?
Signal: Contact Tracking

These alerts are meant to notify the relevant people (typically Customer Success) at your company when one of your tracked contacts leaves their job. You can send alerts for all job changes or, to reduce noise, we recommend sending job change alerts for the most relevant and valuable departures. You also have the ability to configure different alerts to different people (i.e. Account Owner, Account Manager, CSM, etc.) within the graph. For example, you may want to send an alert to a CSM/AM for a customer contact departure, but you may want to send an alert to an AE/SE for a departure from an active prospect account. 

If you have any questions about this process/guide, please reach out to your CSM. 

1) Navigate to the active Contact Graph in LeanData (or clone it). 

2) Add a new condition within the “Updated Contact” trigger

Label: “UG Job Departure”

Target: “none”


  • UG - No Longer at Company = TRUE
  • Add any other relevant criteria from contact fields here as well to prioritize the most relevant changes

3) Add a new Decision node: Branch -> Contact

Node Name: Whatever makes sense for you (ex. “Check Account - Should we send notification?”)

Add any relevant criteria from contact/account under your condition (screenshot just for example)

  • This is where you can also configure different alerts for different scenarios

Connect your “UG Job Departure” branch from the Updated Contact trigger to the decision node we just created.

4)Configure alerts from the branch (Slack/email/etc.).

Screenshot below shows an example of simple email alert configuration. You can also utilize the integrations if you want to additionally send a Slack message. 

In the example below, we are setting CSM as the alert recipient, but feel free to configure the appropriate recipients for your setup and use case(s).