Who can do this?
Signal: Contact Tracking
Signal: New Hires & Promotions

What is attribution?

Attribution is the way in which companies assess value or ROI of the channels that connect them to potential customers.

The challenge is everyone looks at attribution differently. For example, there are many different models for measuring attribution, such as first-touch, last-touch, and multi-touch. You can learn more about these models in this article from Salesforce.

Champion Tracking and New Hires & Promotions Attribution

For UserGems purposes, we're less concerned about where the first or last touch occurred, but instead, we measure and communicate attribution based on how the UserGems lead or contact is associated with an opportunity or an account in our customer's CRM.

We have three buckets for how we think about UserGems attribution:

Sourced: Strong indication that this opportunity and the associated pipeline/revenue were sourced as the result of a UserGems lead. A UserGems was created, contacted, and added to an opportunity as a first opportunity contact.

Assisted: Strong indication a UserGems contact is assisting an existing opp. A UserGems was created, contacted, and added to an open opportunity which already had opp contact(s) associated.

Suspected: UserGems was created has ≥ 5 activities logged on an account with an open opportunity, the first of which activities occurred before the opp was created on the account. This bucket should be reviewed because it’s possible this contact should have been added to the opp but never was.

Champion Referrals Attribution

Check all activities logged against the target account that contains the domain of customer account reached out to for a referral request.
Then, for each contact pulled from each activity, compare it against the opportunity contact roles (OCR) of every opportunity on the target account since the referral was identified.

Sourced: If the activity was found AND any of the target contacts on the notable activity are (Primary Opp Contact OR were added on the day the first opp contact was added)

Assisted: If the activity was found AND any of the target contacts on the notable activity are OCRs (but are not Primary Opp Contact AND not added on the day the first opp contact was added)

Suspected: If the activity was found and an opportunity was closed won after the referral was identified but no OCR was found