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Signal: Contact Tracking

UserGems Scorecard

What is it?

Your scorecard is a system for grading different aspects of your UserGems program configuration and adoption. It's intended to help identify which aspects of your UserGems program are in an optimal state versus which aspects could use some immediate improvement. Your scorecard will be sent to you via email on a monthly basis.

Scorecard example

Why it's important

Better UserGems scorecard grades will maximize the impact you see with the program.

The input quality (quality of who you track) -> Impacts the output quality (the job changes you receive) -> Impacts your team's adoption -> Impacts meetings, pipeline, and revenue generated by the program.

How it works

The scorecard consists of 9 different grade categories, all of which have important implications on the impact and success of your UserGems program.

The categories are numbered 1 through 9 to help with prioritization. We recommend focusing improvement efforts in the order that they are listed because improving a preceding grade will likely have positive downstream impacts on subsequent grades (see "UserGems Impact Funnel" above).

Each grade is calculated based on your company's current configuration or adoption levels compared to UserGems benchmarks that we see with our most successful customers.

Grades of a 'B' or better mean you're at or above benchmark for this metric, whereas 'C+' or below means there is room to improve. The lower the mark, the further off your team is from benchmark in this area.

Each graded category has it's own support article (see "Grade categories" below) which have more information on how to interpret that individual grade, and what actions to take to improve it.

Grade categories

  1. Contacts Provided
  2. Closed Won Opp Contacts Tracked
  3. Persona Definition
  4. Accounts Provided
  5. ICP Definition
  6. Filtering
  7. New Title Relevance
  8. New Account Relevance
  9. Engagement Rate
  10. Days Until First Activity
  11. Number of Activities