Who can do this?
Signal: Contact Tracking

If we are creating leads in your Salesforce, it’s crucial that we ensure our fields (and any custom fields we are updating) are being mapped to contacts upon conversion.

First, navigate to the object manager in Salesforce, then:

"Lead" -> "Fields and Relationships" -> "Map Lead Fields"

Once on the custom fields selector screen, be sure to map any relevant custom fields to your Account, Contact, and Opportunity objects. At a minimum, you should map all fields prefixed with “UG” (left column) to the similarly labeled fields on the Contact object (right column). 

If you do not see an identically labeled field on the right drop-down, that tells us this is a formula field and cannot be mapped - you can skip these. The only exception to this is 'UG - Infos', which is highlighted below and should still be mapped. It should look something like the screenshot below: