Who can do this?
Signal: Contact Tracking
Signal: New Hires & Promotions

Based on the product(s) you have purchased, UserGems will update specific properties on the records we are creating/modifying. However, if we should also update other properties in your HS, let us know!

Resource: Custom HubSpot Properties for UserGems

Properties we update when sending job changes:

-Update Old Contact (the contact who we were tracking):

  • UG - No Longer At Company (field type: boolean)
  • UG - Job Ended Date (field type: date)

-Create New Contact:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email
  • Title
  • Phone
  • Company
  • State
  • Country
  • LinkedIn 
  • Company Size 
  • UG - Job Started Date (field type: date)
  • UG - Link to Past Company (field type: text)
  • UG - Link to Past Contact (field type: text)
  • UG - Past Company (field type: text)
  • UG - Past Title (field type: text)
  • UG - Past Relationship Type (field type: text)
  • UG - Is Persona Match (field type: boolean/checkbox)
  • UG - Works at Target Account (field type: boolean/checkbox)
  • UG - Works at ICP Account (boolean/checkbox)
  • UG - Works at Open Opp Account (boolean/checkbox)
  • UG - Works at Customer Account (field type: boolean/checkbox)
  • UG - Created By UG (field type: boolean/checkbox)
  • UG - Is a Past User (field type: boolean/checkbox)
  • UG - Lead source (field type: text) - we will stamp new records w/ "UserGems - Contact Tracking"

-Update Existing Contact (if you already have the contact at their new company)

  • UG - Job Started Date (field type: date)
  • UG - Link to Past Company (field type: text)
  • UG - Link to Past Contact (field type: text)
  • UG - Past Company (field type: text)
  • UG - Past Title (field type: text)
  • UG - Past Relationship Type (field type: text)
  • UG - Is Persona Match (field type: boolean/checkbox)
  • UG - Works at Target Account (field type: boolean/checkbox)
  • UG - Works at ICP Account (field type: boolean/checkbox)
  • UG - Works at Open Opp Account (boolean/checkbox)
  • UG - Works at Customer Account (field type: boolean/checkbox)
  • UG - Is a Past User (field type: boolean/checkbox)

-Create New Company (if we are creating)

  • Company Name
  • LinkedIn Company Page
  • State
  • Country
  • Number of Employees
  • Company Domain Name
  • Industry (from LinkedIn)

If you have also purchased Account Tracking where we surface net new prospects to your Target & Customer companies, see those specific updates below:

Properties we update when surfacing new persona-matching contacts to key companies:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email
  • Title
  • Phone
  • Company
  • State
  • Country
  • LinkedIn 
  • Company Size
  • UG - Job Started Date (field type: date)
  • UG - Role Started Date (field type: date)
  • UG - Created By UG (field type: boolean/checkbox)
  • UG - Lead Source (field type: text) - we will stamp these new records w/ "UserGems - New Hires & Promos"