Who can do this?
Signal: Contact Tracking
Signal: New Hires & Promotions

Object Permissions:

Read/Create/Edit access

While the permissions outlined below are the minimum required permissions for UserGems, we  suggest (optionally) giving UserGems Read All access to fields on your Contact, Lead, & Account objects so that you can leverage your data within UserGems segmentation reporting, workflow building, and notifications.

  • Contact: OwnerId, Name, Email, Phone, Title, LeadSource, All UserGems fields (with the UG Label Prefix or API name prefix UserGems__) [from the UserGems Managed package]
  • Lead: OwnerId, Company, Name, Email, Phone, Title, LeadSource, All UserGems fields (with the UG Label Prefix or API name prefix UserGems__) [from the UserGems Managed package]
  • Account: OwnerId, ParentId, Account Name, Website, Employees, Account Source, Type, Billing Address, All UserGems fields (with the UG Label Prefix or API name prefix UserGems__) [from the UserGems Managed package]
  • Opportunity Contact Role: ContactId, OpportunityId, Role
    • ^ Edit access only required if you utilize Meeting Assistant (otherwise, Read access is ok)
  • Campaign: Object access -> Read, Edit, View All
  • CampaignMember: Status, LeadId, ContactId, CampaignId (if you’d like UserGems to create Campaign Member records)
    • ^ Please note that the UserGems Integration User would also need to have the “Marketing User” box checked on the user detail page.
  • UserGems Object: Modify All, including Read/Edit/Create/Delete at the object-level and access to edit all fields on the object (note that your Salesforce end users need write access, not only the UserGems/SFDC integration user).
  • Task Object: Read, Edit, View All

Read access

  • Opportunity: AccountId, LeadSource, Type, StageName, Opportunity Name, CloseDate, OwnerId, Amount
    • It's also helpful to include access to any custom currency fields that you use to determine the value or ARR of an Opportunity for ROI reporting
  • Task: Id, WhoId, ActivityDate
  • Event: Id, WhoId, ActivityDate

Report Sharing

Please ensure that the integration user has access to the "UserGems" report folder as well as any folder containing reports that UserGems should be tracking.

System Permissions

  • API Enabled
  • Run Reports
  • Access Activities
  • View Setup & Configuration
  • View Roles and Role Hierarchy (required for View Setup & Configuration)

We also suggest ensuring that your Salesforce integration user has a Role that is higher in the role hierarchy than your reps (so that we can update the Past Lead/Contact who is no longer at company even if there are sharing rules in place).

Lastly, the integration user should have access to any relevant record types on your lead, contact, and account objects.

Making Permissions Changes